
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 Outfit Details: Floral Crown: Little Honey Pies // Sweater & Boots: Thrifted // Brooch: Antique Mall // Skirt with Bow: DIYed 

Autumn and bonfires go together like PB&J and we most certainly kicked off the season the other weekend with a night of toasting marshmallows for smores for the sweet-toothers, hotdogs for the meat-eaters and banana boats for the fruit lovers over the crackling fire.  What is it about the smell of burning wood that just tickles your nose in the most delightful of ways?  I'd say it's surely up there with my favorite scents.  Nothing evokes the warm fuzzies better and this night of telling stories, sitting around this smoldering pit with friends was just what this gal needed to get through the very busy weeks to come.  

I love bonfires.  Period.  Oh yeah, and this is what I wore to attend one.  As a week has past - the leaves aren't so green any more.  Fall just gets better and better.

So here's to one happy Fall and sweet October darlings.  

Love Bunches, 


  1. I love bonfires too, it's such an awesome smell and such a great environment!! It sounds like the best time.
    I absolutely love this skirt, it's a beautiful fit and the colour is great with the bright tights too. You look so wonderful!

  2. Oh, that outfit is so cute! I love autumn bonfires, I haven't been to any yet this year but I'm hoping to on Halloween :)

  3. My oh my you're lovely! I love the floral headpiece you're sporting here, what a perfect look for a bonfire. Sounds like it was a perfect time to pull out the rugged boots! Also, I just saw your previous post on how to make pumpkin chili..seriously that looks delicious! I'm gonna have to try that out at some point this fall. :)

  4. that skirt!!! i can't get over how cute the pattern on the fabric is!

  5. Love your DIY skirt, and I can feel autumn in everyone of your pics, my dear Marisa.

  6. Lovely! I think a bonfire party sounds great.

  7. Gorgeous outfit, you mix colours & prints so well.. I envy you! x

  8. aw I love bonfires! I can't wait til it gets a bit cooler here so we can have one!! You look great...I love that skirt!!!!

  9. Love this post! It makes me miss Fall (it's 100 degrees in LA right now) and bonfires.

    I must ask: What on Earth is a banana boat???

  10. these are such pretty pictures! I love your skirt

  11. This is one of my favorites. I love bonfires too. <3 It screams Fall. And secondly, I am so in love with your outfits! You dress amazingly. I so wish i could find such vintagy clothes like yours!

  12. Oooh I haven't gone bonfire-ing in a very long time!!! I remember how pretty everything (and everyone) looks in a bonfire, and the warmth-- the glorious warmth! The only thing I don't like about bonfires is how my hair smells like afterwards :(
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  13. LOVE these photos lady friend and you're looking incredible as always! That skirt is just too much awesomeness in one article of clothing. I am jelly jell!

  14. This outfit is adorable, but the scenery is to die for! So pretty there.

    Hope you have a ton of bonfires this season!

  15. I 100% agree about bonfires - and whenever I am making my necklaces with wood burning it makes my room smell like one, which is just the very best ever (until someone thinks the apartment is burning down. Woops.)
    Now I'm craving a bon fire so bad!

    I love the little birdies on your skirt, such a cute pattern!

  16. such a sweet look, marisa. we have plans for a marshmallow roast and cozy bon fire this weekend and i am so excited! i am in love with this season.

  17. Gorgeous and perfect for fall :)
    I love your skirt, cute print :*

  18. oh, i really want to have a bonfire night now! yours sounds and looks amazing:) xx

  19. Ooohh all that mention of food is making me peckish! I love your shoes, sensible yet cute!! The whole outfit is wonderful and so is the scenery

  20. marisa, I am in love with your shoes!
    and the yellow stockings are adorable :)
    I always love bonfires!!! it's been a LONG time since I've been to one tho

    The Sweetest Escape 

  21. That skirt is so cute. Such a great print.

  22. Hi cute lady, you look so cheerful in all your fall colors <3


  23. I love you DIY skirt with bow! Did you actually make the whole skirt, or alter something, or attach the bow to something thrifted? Either way its amazing. Also LOVING this muted color floral crown! I may have to make one for myself, looking at your I realized I had similar color flowers sitting arround in an (ugly) vase in my garage! Also, we are mustard tight-twinnies! WIsh I could be there to bonfire with you IRL girl! Hope you're having a fabulous! day!
    xo Hannah

  24. This skirt is so pretty! As usual, I love how you styled everything. These boots and tights are brilliant. A bonfire sounds like so much fun right now!

  25. This skirt is beautiful and I love the color and those tights are perfect with it. Also I don't know that I've ever seen you in boots. I love it!

  26. you are so lovely :) i'm afraid if i were at your bonfire, i'd need a hotdog AND a smore. maybe even two of each. your descriptions is so vivid, i feel like i'm there. x

  27. Ohhh i love bonfires too :) The smell, the heat AND the marshmallows ! You look amazing like always and the skirt is sooo lovely !! Have a fabby day ! XX Tani

  28. gosh, I don't think I've seen a bonfire since camp. Tear! There is something about burning wood that makes everything cozy and warm.

  29. I could honestly smell the burning scent of bonfires and hear the crackling of wood just by you describing it. Ah! How gloriously bliss fall truly is. :)
    The location is so magical! I simply adore your outfit as usual and your color choices always blow my mind. I want to make my outfits more colorful like yours!!

  30. Your outfit totally matches the scenery! And now I kind of want to go camping and have a bonfire :p.

  31. I went to a fire on Saturday and had a great time there as well. It was so nice to smell the burning wood on my clothes. hehe. You look so cute, all the time.


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