
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quail Hollow Village

 Outfit Details: Cardi: Target // Blouse: Vintage // Shorts: Asos // Purse: Antique Mall // Hat & Socks: UO// Shoes: Gift 

Our little neighborhood is never short of nature-ridden places to explore.  One of my favorite spots is this spillway that sits just behind a group of vacation condos known as Quail Hollow Village.   I could most certainly sit here all day and read or picnic if time allowed, but today I chose to kayak over this way instead - right to the edge of the dam where the water spills over.  That was at 6:30 AM.  I am anything but a morning person but perhaps if all mornings included a kayak and a misty lake with a sherbet colored sunrise, I may just welcome this hour of the day.

Of course - this is not the outfit that I really kayaked in nor is it 6:30 in the morning, but rather later on that same day.  I will miss summer and long sunny days just like this, but I am thrilled to welcome in the season of pumpkin spice and fiery colored leaves.  So that is that.  Bring on the fall!

Hope you darlings had the most loveliest of weekends!  Labor day put me in the mood for veggie chili and a little DIY.  Onto cut and sew and cook I go.  Talk soon!

Love Bunches,


  1. This cardigan is SO beautiful on you, I love it with the top underneath. What a fun place to take pictures, you always get to explore the cutest spots. I'm sad summer is winding down, but I love fall so much so I'm excited at the same time

  2. Gorgeous outfit! Love the colours. Glad you're having a great weekend ;)

  3. Those shorts are super cute! Glad that you had an awesome and productive Labor Day! Also, I love that picture of the little guy - too cute!


  4. It is absolutely beautifulll there :) and the pictures are gorgeous as always :) love your cute outfit!! Ixx

  5. what a gorgeous place, you're not in any shortage of beautiful spots near your house! Lovely outfit as always, I admire the way you put prints and colours together <3 xxx

  6. Beautiful. I swear, you live in the loveliest place ever, Marisa! And as much as I'm glad for summer to be "over" I will definitely be missing all that natural light!

    LOVE those shorts and shoes!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  7. Yeay! Bring on the fall ^^. You always have beautiful places for your photos. Take me to our place, please =)

  8. What a sweet location! I love the sound of rushing water.
    And you look as adorable as ever : ) Are you coming down to Philly for any of the Fashion Night Out events?

  9. This place is adorable and OH GOSH DO I LOVE YOUR OUTFIT. <3

  10. I was going to question if you went kayaking in that outfit! Although you would have looked fabulous, it probably would not have been practical. Once again, lovely photos girl!

  11. looks like such a beautiful place! and the photos are lovely, as always! :-) xx

  12. I love that cardigan, so sweet, and you and the location look wonderful as always! Kayaking sounds amazing... I've only done it once but I loved it, and you make it sound so idyllic :)

  13. wow, kayaking! sounds fun and adventurous! enjoy these last couple of weeks of summer, mrs. Xx

  14. Your outfit is just lovely! I love your style! New follower here :)
    XOXO Autumn Bee

  15. just found your blog today and you are absolutely adorable!!!
    love your style, can't wait to read more!
    xo TJ

  16. so, so, so pretty marisa. that purse is outstanding, and i need to go look for that cardi at target! glad your labor day weekend was so dreamy :) x

  17. How lucky you are to have such a place close by. It's wonderful. What a great early morning kayak ride that must have been. I'm not an early morning person either but the scenario you described could just change that.


  18. Hey Marisa--just found your from the guest post you did on Katherine's blog! I think I kinda love you. Is that okay!? : )

    xo, My Billie

  19. My dear Marisa, it is my birthday today, and finding your blog has been one of my greatest presents this year.
    I could spend hours looking at each and everyone of your pics. The little details in them, the calm, the colours, your smile...
    Much love, dear friend.

  20. That spot is so pretty. I love your little bag.

  21. Girl, you are amazing! Kayaking at 6:30 Am, whew. I'll bet it is gorgeous though! My mom actually joined a kayak club for when she is in Hawai'i, but I think she rarely goes because of the ungodly hour the start at! Kayaking besides, your outfit is adorable, the lime and the turquoise are so pretty together!
    On a completely unrelated note, I joined Chictopia today and went to search for you but it said you hadn't posted in awhile! If you have any tips or opinions or hints about the site, I would love to hear them! Do you think it helped with your blog at all? I am not sure how I feel yet but thought I would at least try it out!
    Alrighty, hope you are having a beautiful day missy!
    xo Hannah

    1. oh you always find the most beautiful little places to take your pictures;) it seems so lovely there and gosh are you cute with those hat and the shorts and the adorable bag;)
      hope you have a great week darling!

  22. As I have said before, you live in a beautiful part of the world! It looks so magical and fun!

  23. Oh my gosh how beautiful and mysterious that wonderful place is! The scenery in these photos is absolutely breathtaking - I couldn't imagine what it looks like in the fall!

    I love your super duper adorable outfit by the way, especially since your purse has a boat on it! So cute to match with the river :)


  24. I love, love, love the color palette you chose, the landscape, and of course, sweet Keane :P. This post reminds me that I need to get myself a hat.

    By the way, you're the winner of the white vintage dress, Marisa! :D I'll be shipping it to you asap. Your address is the same one, right?

    Have a great day!

  25. Your town is so beautiful and your lil' man is so handsome! I just picture your family having the most peaceful, fun walks everyday :) You look so pretty and once again, I love your colors! I can't wait to wear a sweater again...

  26. Your town is beautiful and you have the best hats.

  27. you are so adorable!!! i feel like you should have your own sitcom based around you. i would watch it for sure! xoxo

  28. each time you get me with your sock/shoe combos! I love them! I love your hat - hats look great on you too! And you always find somewhere to take great photos

  29. ARGH! no blogger! no messing up! deleted my comment. i could totally see you kayaking in this though - even if you didn't! your area is so pretty - i love seeing all the great things you guys get to do. and this outfit! i want it! i just want to reach through the screen and put it all in my closet. i love the sweater + shorts and all the colors are so pretty.

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  30. Yes, Yes, come here Autumn!!!!
    How pretty you are in this outfit. I love your shoes!!! They look great with the rest of the outfit!

  31. so pretty! love the colors, shorts and the antique purse! I wonder how much you can fit in this purse :-)


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