
Thursday, August 30, 2012

What I Baked // Bridal Shower Edition: Lemon Lavender Honey Cupcakes

Oh hello there darlings, 

Just as promised, here is the recipe I used to make my lemon lavender honey cupcakes for my sister's bridal shower.  These were definitely a special occasion cupcake as the hubs and I actually purchased a lavender plant from the nursery to makes these babies.  Truth be told, you can actually just use dried lavender flowers, however, how much more lovely is it now that we can take care of our little plant and have lavender to use whenever we want?!  Anyhoo, I've already made these darling little cakes twice and both times they've gone off like a hit.  

On a side note - I decided to get extra fancy schmancy this time around and fill them with this lemon curd and cream cheese filling which I took from a tart recipe off Mary-Morgan's blog, The Muffington Post, which was very delicious in itself.  So if you do try your hand with these delightful little cakes, be sure to give me a holler and let me know how it goes.

Lemon Lavender Honey Cupcakes:
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 sprigs of fresh lavender or 1/2 teaspoon dried lavender flowers
  • 1/2 cup butter, at room temperature
  • eggs
  • 3 tablespoons lavender honey (I ordered mine from
  •  Zest of one lemon
  • cup all purpose flour 
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder 
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt 
  • 1/4 cup milk

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F; line a 12 count muffin pan with paper liners.
  • Put the sugar and lavender flowers in a food processor. Process briefly to combine.
  • Tip the lavender sugar into a bowl with the butter and beat together until pale and fluffy.
  • Beat the eggs into the butter mixture, one at a time, then add in lemon zest and lavender honey. Next sift in the flour and fold gently. Add baking powder and salt.  Stir in the milk, then spoon the mixture into the muffin cups.
  • Bake for about 18 minutes until risen and golden and a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.          
  • 1 cup lemon curd (you can make your own, or use store bought) 
  • 8oz. pack of cream cheese, at room temperature.
Using an electric mixer, mix together until blended into a creamy consistency.  Once the cakes have cooled, use a paring knife to remove a "plug" from your cupcakes.   Fill hole with lemon cream curd.

  • 1 stick butter, room temperature
  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons lavender honey 
  • 2 cups confectioners' sugar 

Beat butter, cream cheese, and honey together until combined. Beat in sugar until stiff enough.
Frost cupcakes and top with a blueberry. 

Adapted from  Yummy Mummy Kitchen
* Oh and those other chocolate cupcakes you see in the photo are my Bailey's Toffee Espresso ones.  You can find that recipe here.

Until next time!

Love Bunches, 


  1. omg marisa, these look sooooo good! i wish i was there to help you guys eat them!! xoxo

  2. MMMMMM!!!!!! lavendar and honey! YUM! i wanna make these

    <3 katherine
    of corgis and cocktails

  3. YUM YUM YUM, I am definitely going to have to try these out, it sounds like a heavenly combination! Thank you for sharing, I want to eat one right now.

  4. Thank you for sharing! I'm excited to try this. Or at least to pretend I'm going to try it.

  5. Wow, Marisa! You're an awesome baker! Your sister is so lucky to have you! They look delish!

    Hope you have a fun long weekend! ;D

  6. Have I told you, Marisa, that I love you? Well, now I just did. And know that I mean it because I am making these delicious babies once I get my mitts on fresh lavender.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  7. Oh boy, those sound really really good. I have lavender in my garden and while I have used it to make lavender scented natural body oil, I have never thought to actually eat it. I've always had a good laugh at EddieCat though, as he sticks his face right in that plant, smelling it and often taking a bit or two. I actually had to check once to make sure it wasn't toxic because I had no idea peole eat it. You've opened a brand new culinary door for me now!

  8. Yum! I'm going to try a gluten free version of these :)

  9. YUM! as soon as I saw the pics I felt soooo hungry! your cupcakes look beautiful and likes a fun recipe to try!
    xoxo Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  10. Yummy! Lucky sister =)

  11. Ah this looks so lovely! I'm sure that I'm going to try this hihi


  12. wow, i have never used lavender in baking before but will give it a try. looks like you are a real pro when it comes to baking.

  13. yum yum yum! definitely adding this recipe to my recipe book! I added your nutella cupcakes to it the other day :) and I bet that lemon curd and cream cheese mixture will be great in these!!! thanks for the recipe and the shout-out! :)


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