
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Water Slides

 Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage in my shop // Scarf & Shoes: Thrifted // Necklace: UO (old)


So I guess it's now safe to say I am happily nestled in Hilton Head and on the hunt for the perfect house to hold my little sis's beach wedding at.  This however is not Hilton Head.  During the past couple of weeks, the hubs and I had several days free to ourselves, sooooo....we decided to take an afternoon and spend it amongst some local falls - or Mother Nature's water slides as I'd like to call them.  If anything it was such a peaceful little nook to just walk and talk and take it slow - real slow.  So with that thought, my connection here on "the island" is pretty slow itself, so please pardon if it takes me a little while to catch up with you all before too long.   Hmm, I'm thinking right now the beach awaits.  Here's to one slow & peaceful Sunday!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Thanks for your lovely comment :)
    I love your dress here, and the shoes are so cute and amazing! I am into (mixed) colours lately. Yesterday I sewed 4 colourful buttons to a plain black blouse and I am inlove with it haha :) its amazing how such a small change can make the blouse special. Have a great weekend lovely! Ixx

  2. Lovely Dress ,you look gorgeous :)

    Happy Sunday!

  3. that spot looks so gorgeous.

  4. Ooh I love those shoes, I'm really into primary colours at the moment. The shots are beautiful as always x

  5. What a pretty dress.. sounds like such an amazing holiday, all that relaxing sounds like just what I need! <3 xx

  6. Those pictures are just awesome. Your photos always have such beautiful colors. Good luck finding a wedding venue in Hilton Head!

  7. cute dress... and amazing pictures again!

    i follow - great blog!

  8. Such a lovely spot! That dress you have on is pretty wonderful as well. :)


  9. What a stunning place for photos, this looks like so much fun. And so peaceful too!! This dress is so pretty too, I love the straps and pockets! So wonderful :)

  10. I adore that dress- it's so perfect for summer! :)

  11. ohmygoodness. you always find the best places for photos, and i am sure you will find the perfect locations for your sisters wedding with no problem! this dress is super cute on you and i always love those shoes - enjoy hilton head!

  12. Everything is so beautiful, that dress is amazing and turban looks really cute on you :)
    Kisses dear

  13. Sounds Heavenly! I'm always a little leery on slippery rocks myself...What a very lovely dress! The pockets are set perfectly for comfort, so it seems. What a fun job you have selecting a place to hold a wedding-hope you're having loads of fun!

  14. Such beautiful, peaceful pictures. I want nothing more to visit this heavenly place. x

  15. Your dress is very pretty with the gingham print and I love your shoes! Such a lovely place to spend some time and relax too!

  16. I love the rich colour of that dress and your gorgeous shoes! I'd love to do some outdoor swimming!

  17. i have similar shoes to that! cute outfit darling hope you are well
    xoxo Ilana

  18. Wonderful photos of a perfect setting and outfit, marisa.
    Loving your shoes.

  19. Marisa, you always find the most beautiful places to go to! And the pictures are amazing! :) I really love this dress on you. The pockets are especially fun!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  20. love your head scarf and that is such a lovely park!


  21. I luv the scarf you have on your head! I'm all about taking it easy, that is what my recent vacation was all about ;-)


  22. This place looks so would be so nice to hang out there and really relax. by the way those shoes are adorable.

    xo erica

  23. You are so darling mrs m! I love that dress on you so much- it seriously is so adorable. I hope you have a wonderful time at the beach! It's so nice to have just "you" time to relax and get things off of your mind for a while :).

  24. I love your shoes and I think you look perfect in blue.

  25. Aww soromantic view!

  26. Hi Marisa! I'm sure you must be having a wonderful time in Hilton Head. I've never been but it sure sounds exotic. And I love these water fall shots ... It looks like such a lovely refreshing spot, that you are lucky is located close-by.

  27. I would love to live in a place like this! It looks like such a great place for your family with all the adventures and places to explore! I also love the dress! Sounds like you're having an amazing time so far picking out a house for your sisters wedding! Have a lovely week, Marisa!

  28. Local falls? Seriously? I want to be there! :P That sounds like so much fun!

    And love your outfit, but what else is knew, right? Haha.

  29. Ummm I love waterfalls so much. That sounds super cheesy but I think they are my favorite thing in nature :) Love this dress- saw it in your Etsy and thought it was super cute! I love simple dresses with cute details that can be matched up with so many accessories (like those awesome shoes!) for a new outfit every time!

  30. looking wonderful as usual pretty lady! and that! what lovely backdrops you always have.. beautiful places to visit!xx


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