
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Skull Creek

Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage // Hat: Target // Purse: Thrifted // Shoes:

Hello there, 

Another perfect summer day is on the horizon - and unfortunately I'm in a bit of a funk.  Argh, luckily, that is nothing a little trip to the craft store can't cure...ha!  Anyhow, towards the end of my week in Hilton Head, the famiglia and I headed over the reception site for my sister's wedding.  This little marina on Skull Creek, is pretty much so the view from the back porch that we will be celebrating on.  Skull Creek is one of the single places on the island where you can catch the sunset - so I can only imagine right now what a magical night it will be.  

I felt as if I were a Southern Belle in my oversized hat and floral dress - which is not really my typical style, but it seemed fitting giving that we were down in the charming South.

Gotta run for now.  Catch up with you darlings real soon:)

Love Bunches, 


  1. I love that dark floral dress. It's great for any season! :)

    Craft stores cure my funks too! :)♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  2. I love this look : ) What a nice escape to the sea!

  3. looks like a lovely place! and you look beautiful in that dress (and hat) :) xx

  4. This look is adorable and what an interesting place Skull Creek seems! Those shoes are also an amazing find! I also know what you mean about craft stores being a cure all for the blues!-Jessica

  5. that haaaaaaaaat! Makes me want to just go on vacation and go on some nice classy adventures ;) Hahaha


  6. Ugh, funks are the worst, it ALWAYS happens to me post vacation! The length of the funk is usually proportionate to how long I am gone, so lucky for you your funk should be short! Crafting or throwing yourself into a new project (or for me, eating something large and unhealthy) always does the trick!

    I love this beautiful floral dress, the color palette is perfect! I see that you sent me an email just as I was reading this haha, its telepathy!

    Also, this may help you get over your funk! It cheered me up when I was having a bad night the other day:

    xo Hannah

    1. Oh so true, so true! Thanks Hannah for the link - you better believe that put a smile on my face and holy moly, those were some of the cutest things I've ever seen! - A photo-bombing sloth...I want that to happen in one of my photos:)

  7. I absolutely love these pictures, what a pretty place to visit. You are always going to such cute little places!! I love this dress, it's s gorgeous on you, so summery and the colours are perfect! The oversized hat is awesome with it :)

  8. Looks like you had tons of fun while on vacation!

    I invite you to check out my blog.

  9. This is all amazing, your dress, shoes and that cute bag <3

  10. Hattitude Style Blog

    skull creek!? marisa that name even sound melancholy which didn't add to your funk!
    your little boy is so adorable. i think it looks a lot like you.
    love the hat with the sail boat :)
    hope your craft store outing lifts your spirits

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  11. Beautiful as usual Marisa! Those shoes are fantastic! :)

    Glad you had fun with the family!


  12. Hi Marisa. You look lovely in your floral print and pretty hat. Being a hat girl myself, I always appreciate a nice one. It suits you very well. Good that you found such a special spot for your sister's wedding.


  13. Awe, I'd love to catch the sunset by the sea! :p I wonder why we haven't done it yet. Should write that down on my schedule, hehe.

    Love those shoes!

    Hugs! :D

  14. so sweet in florals, I always want to be where you are (your photos are so inviting).


  15. No funks allowed! Okay I guess they are, but getting out of the funks are more fun!

  16. Love that dress; you look gorgeous <3.

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  17. Love your dress and that adorable running little cutie. Must list Skull Creek in my soul searching place list. Got my eye on your blog now.

  18. this place is rather lovely, looks like such a gorgeous setting for the wedding! Wonderful outfit as per xx

  19. I love your hat! And your pretty dress. Skull Creek sounds like a terrible horror movie starring dim teenagers but in reality it looks gorgeous. Oh and I lurve your shoes!

    1. Haha - yes, that's exactly what I thought - or like something from Dawson's Creek does Halloween episode! It is a truly gorgeous place though despite the horrid name :)

  20. You do look very Southern, in a good way. Those shoes make your feet look insanely dainty and almost witch like (also in a good way). This place is so pretty, hope it cures your funk!

  21. You look lovely for being in a funk. I usually go vintage shopping or pull our my sewing machine ... helps me to get out of my funk. Those green shoes are the best! :)

  22. I always get the post-vacation blues, even on the shortest weekend trips! Maybe because you spend so much time looking forward to it, and then bam! it's over. I love your southern belle look and that pic of your son is so cute :) Looks like such a lovely place for a wedding even though Skull Creek sounds kind of scary!

  23. You look so awesome like always. I hope you pull out of your funk soon! That's never fun. :/

    1. fabulous shoes and i also love the floral dress! you look lovely as always! treat yourself and get out of your funk soon darling!

  24. Ooooh that dress is a beauty.

    xoxo Mama wolf.
    p.s. I can't wait to see photos of this sunset you speak of!

  25. My dear this is one of your lovliest looks yet! That floral dress is a dream on perfectly simple, but still a little bit of your flair in those fabulous shoes. A trip to the craft store sounds like fun! I don't craft as much as I'd like to, but maybe I'll have to get a start on that ;)

  26. darling dress ... and i adore those cutre green shoes.

  27. you look beautiful! love the dress! and look at your little man in all of his curly-haired cuteness!


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