
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boatyards and Blue Eyes

 Outfit Details: Top (Dress) via swap w/ Jacqueline // Skirt & Belt: Thrifted // Headband & Shoes: Modcloth (old)

Hello there darlings!

First time in a very long time - I went kayaking and really thought it was the most marvelously relaxing thing in the whole world.  I think it's been since my high school years that I've been out on a lake in this capacity.  Thank goodness for wearing a swimsuit underneath my outfit for impromptu little activities like this as well as having a friend with a couple of kayaks.   I can always appreciate the leisurely moments I get which some days I just don't slow down enough for them.  

On this day I also served at a local nursing home - I was there with my husband to play the piano and sing little hymns and campfire songs with the residents.  I have to admit, I really had the hardest time going at first.  After having lost 3 of my grandparents last year, it makes me pretty sad to be around elderly folks - I guess mostly because I miss my Oma, Opa, and Nana quite terribly and at any given moment small reminders of them will have me bursting into tears.  So here I was on this day and the longer I spent around these beautiful folks in this home, the more comforted I felt.  I felt comforted seeing their smiles, and hearing their silly little comments for everything.  Most of all I felt a quiet peace looking into this one dear little lady's eyes and seeing my grandmother.  It was the strangest thing, but all I know is that both her and my grandfather and my nana felt very near that day and that had me smiling on the inside.  

So that's that - this whole week has me tied up teaching elementary kids drama/performing arts at a sports camp.  It shall prove to be very interesting as it's normally teenagers I work with.  If I survive - you shall hear from me soon...hehe. 

Have a wonderful week darlings!
Love Bunches, 


  1. Gorgeous outfit my dear!! I love the colours in it, the striped top is perfect with that skirt. So wonderful! It sounds like a wonderful day, I've never been kayaking but I can imagine it's super relaxing.
    And it's so hard to loose grandparents!! I'm so sorry about that. But it's nice to spend some time with older people and enjoy their company

  2. You look beautiful! :)
    Losing grandparents is so rough! My Poppop, Mommom, and my birth mom all passed away last year, so I can relate... it's comforting to know that they are watching over me and that I'll see them again someday!

  3. I love this skirt so much!

    I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents! I'm sure that they would be so happy though that you are making other elderly people happy as well!


  4. Beautiful photos! That is so nice of you to volunteer at the resthome, they would have appreciated that so much. I wish more people respected the elderly xx

  5. Hattitude Style Blog

    what lovely lovely photos marisa. i'm trying to convince my parents to buy some kayaks for their cottage this year.

    I drove my grandmother 3 hours south of us to see her 90 and 95 year old friends who live in a retirement home. It was such a nice thing to do. they were just tickled pink to have visitors. That was really so nice of you and your husband to do.

    I always feel so bad for elderly in retirement homes, the rooms are so small, but at least they have people like you and your hubby coming to entertain them the odd time, and it does seem like there are lots of activities.

    i like the little curly mop of hair from your son :)

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  6. Hi Marisa. What a lovely thing you and your husband did by visiting and performing for the seniors. I had a summer job for 6 years at a Home for the Aged, and loved the experience so very much. It was so rewarding. However, I understand how hard it must have been for you, having lost 3 of your grandparents last year. That is so sad and I'm sorry it happened.


  7. oh marisa the belt and the shirt are perfection, i adore how you put your outfits together with so much love for the details!
    and i so want to make a boattrip seeing your pictures!

  8. You're a lovely sailor with unusual colors ! These shoes are totally cute !!!

  9. Lovely in green and navy with a touch of red, Marisa.
    Lovely photos too

  10. It is so great that you played at the nursing home, I bet you made their day! I'm sorry for such a challenging year, that is a rough thing to go through and accept.

    I've never kayaked before- I always see it on rivers and it looks really hard :) I would love to thrift a skirt that color! Your color combo is amazing as always and I love your peep toe shoes! Hope you're having a good week!

  11. I love your sandals, it would be great to find a similar pair <3


  12. I forgot to comment on your time at the nursing home. It sounds like it was theraputic for you? It's been on my heart to serve the elderly but I can't sing or play the piano ;-)


  13. ADORe your cute head scarf...and the little nautical touches :) Following your stylish and delightful blog!

    <3 Cambria

  14. This is such a great palette, I love the colours and your skirt. I lost my Oma during University, it's never easy, but I remember the happy moments we shared. Wishing you a lovely week. xxoo/M

  15. Oh, Marisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents :(. I lost my mom and my grandma (on my mom's side) a month away. This year my mom's death anniversary so happened to coincide with father's day, which made the day ever weirder. Each year it affects me in a different way; this one was particularly crazy.

    But on to happier things! :D There's always a reason to smile a big smile and feel lucky and happy, right? I think it's so great that you went to this nursing home to perform! Is there any chance I can see you or listen to you sing? I'd love to!

    And also, kayaking! I'd love to give it a try. Preferably in a transparent kayak, haha, but a regular one would do, too.

    How many students do you have? Can you wear your awesomely colorful clothes at work or do you have to wear a uniform? I am now watching Happy-Go-Lucky for like the tenth time; have you seen this movie? I think she's a wonderful teacher and her colorful outfits have just reminded me of you :).

    Happy midweek, Marisa! Hugs!

    1. Aw thanks Miki! You are always such a sweetheart:)

      I have 10 elementary age girls in my class - and the camp only runs this week. I have a coach t-shirt I have to wear, so I've been styling it up with different skirts and cute brooches and hair scarves every night just to keep it interesting:)

      I've never seen that movie - but now I want to go on the hunt for it! xo Marisa

  16. Kayaking sounds so relaxing and I love all your photos! Such gorgeous colors. Cute outfit too :) Found your blog over at Midwest Muse - so glad I did!

  17. Ooh I haven't been kayaking forever, but this has reminded me of how lovely and relaxing it is! I love your pretty outfit too :)

  18. oh no! I still get sad about my Nana and Grandad almost 10 and 20 years on! I hope you're ok and that the kayaking distracted you for a bit. I'd love to swim in one of those lakes, they look gorgeous. I'm rather jealous of your shoes too!

  19. Your outfit is so colorful and fun.

    That was really wonderful of you going to that home, even though it was hard. I'm sure it was very appreciated!

  20. I want to go kayaking! I haven't done it in so long :( I do love these boat and water shots and of course your colourful outfit :) Lovely xox

  21. I tweeted last week about how much I miss kayaking, and now I miss it more reading your post. . .and I missed it seeing kayaks at a shop the other day too. ahhhh. it is calling for me! I used to kayak every summer and adored it.

  22. Divine colors! I love the mint and you look is so retro<3
    Looks like you had so much fun :)

  23. I have no grandparents left :( It is hard to be around the elderly for me as well. But that is so great what you did!! Bravo for you :)

  24. i like the third photo the best. you look spectacular!

  25. oh you are just too pretty. the red and blue top. those red shoes. just lovely. and the water looks beautiful.

    it's amazing that you and your husband do that - it's a great way to pay respect to your lost loved ones and really give back to the community. it can be really hard, depending on the level of hospice and what not, to go in those homes. when i was a kid, my great grandma went into a two beds per tiny room hospice. the place was terrifying and i just always felt so bad for her. anyhow - i'm divulging. it's great you guys do this - i'm sure everyone really appreciates it.

  26. You look so so so gorgeous girl! I absolutely adore the colors you have mixed together here and I just can't get over the beautiful scenery! Believe it or not.. I've never been kayaking before! I'm kind of a super chicken when it comes to those kinds of things. I really am afraid of everything, haha!

    That's sweet that you and your husband volunteered at the nursing home. I'm so sorry that it made you sad after losing your grandparents, I couldn't imagine how you felt :(. But it's so sweet that you felt comforted by them because I'm sure you comforted them just as much. They'll always be with you in your heart, Marisa. Imagine where they are and how happy and carefree they are now. They're your guardian angels. You'll see them again soon someday. :)


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