
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Rainbow Crossing

Outfit Details: Dress & Pendant: Vintage//Cardi & Shoes: Thrifted//Headscarf: UO


Rainbow Crossing



Why hello!
Another full weekend is on the horizon for me as Mother's Day is quickly approaching.  First though, Albert and some friends and I are headed off to Philly to see Ingrid Michaelson in concert and just take in all the energy that the city has to offer.  Goodness, I do love that place!  Then we are off to Camp Hill to spend Mother's Day with my family then back to Philly to spend Mother's Day with Albert's family.  Phew!  Yes, that is a lot of running around - but no complaints here.

It's been a lovely little mix of rain and shine and sun showers where I live, so I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this rainbow the other day when we were walking about our neighborhood.  Now, if I could only find that pot of gold:)

Have the happiest of weekends darlings!
Love Bunches,


  1. Beautiful outfit, I love the red bow with the green dress. Have fun at the concert: I love Ingrid! Soldier is one of my favourite songs ever.

  2. This dress is so amazing, do you just have a closet packed with amazing dresses and skirts?! You must! I love the cardigan and headscarf too. Looks like a beautiful place to go for a stroll :)

  3. I love your outfit and gorgeous pictures!!!! Wanna follow each other?

  4. I love the dress, very you! I have a very similar pair of sandals too :) enjoy your weekend, sounds super busy! xx

  5. Very lovely! And love your pictures too, I love nature :) Ixx

  6. Love that dress, the head-band, the bow, everything!<3
    The pictures are just beautiful:)

    And i'm partial to your blog because I LOVE monet!

    Your new follower:)
    Shubhi's Revels!

  7. I hope you get to enjoy the weekend! You look great. And gosh I wish I get to see Ingrid live sometime.

  8. green is one of my favorite colors right now and it looks especially bright and lovely on you! and that first photo is perfect! :) happy mother's day!!

  9. Oh, it sounds like you have such a fun weekend planned! And I love this outfit. That dress is beautiful! And you always have such lovely scenery in your photos - I'm jealous! Sorry that I've been so terrible with commenting/reading lately - I've missed your blog, lady! Hope all is well <3

    1. oh marisa so i´m sure you had great weekend and amazing mother´s day;) and what a beautiful blue and green dress!!!i love the print and pocket details and these oversized red ribbon is so supercute on you! lovely rainbow place where you are here;)

  10. Lovely pictures! The rainbow is spectacular ... Makes me realize it's been ages since I've seen one. Enjoy your travels .. Philly is definitely on my wish list.


  11. How many lovely dresses have you got ?!
    The pictures are beautiful in the nature !

  12. You look dead cute with that there hair do doll! I love the dress on you too, you suit your taste perfectly, as usual, nothing short of braw pictures! I hope you have fun with mothers day! :) Zoë xxx

  13. You can always effortlessly pull of beautiful hair bows and hats, love this red one! Sounds like you have quite the busy weekend, but all fun stuff! Hope the concert was terrific, she has such an amazing voice. Love the rainbow picture, have a terrific mother's day!
    xo Hannah

  14. Hattitude Style Blog

    ooo i like the fullness of that headscarf! you know i love a good scarf in the hair! ha how ever did you tie that so nicely??

    sounds like your weekend is full! don't forget to relax on mothers day marisa!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  15. Such beautiful photos! Rainbows always make me smile. Your vintage dress is adorable. I love that headband.

  16. The hair piece is absolutely stellar, such a lovely statement! You look beautiful!!


  17. First of all, happy mother's day, Marisa!!! ;D Hope you had an awesome day and were pampered a lot!

    Secondly, I love these shots! Awesome scenery and outfit!

    I love Ingrid Michaelson! Hope the show was fun. We have similar tasrte for music ;).

    Tight hug!

  18. Lovely blog! Very cool posts! Come by and let's follow each other<3

  19. awesome post!!
    wanna follow each other dear :) ?

    check my blog or follow sometimes
    just comment for followback :)

  20. Aw you look so sweet, Marisa Noelle! The headband is absolutely lovely <3
    I hope you enjoyed the concert and that you had a great Mother's day with your family :)
    Ps: I love the last picture!

    Life is a romantic poem

  21. What a sweet dress! These photos are beautiful, too. Hope you had a lovely Mothers' Day!

  22. Hey lady! I found you from Katherine's blog and absolutely loved your interview! I unfortunately am having a problem with commenting on your latest post that talks about your interview so I'm saying hi through this post : )

    It looks like we both did a guest post for Mary-Morgan in her self-love series. So cool! I'm going to check yours out now. You and your family are precious and I'm so glad you have found your blog!

    My Billie

  23. love this!


    helen @

  24. oh my goodness how absolutley gorgeous you are! your hair is also looking mighty beautiful, (sigh) I wish I could learn to tie my hair up like that and get it to stay! My hair is ALWAYS the same haha.. time to start styling it differently! ;) And what a beautiful scenery and rainbow! These photos are just magical xoxo

  25. Love the dress! sooo pretty!


  26. oh, how lovely! i saw ingrid michaelson in philly at the tin angel in '09 i think, in an intimate setting with about 30 people! she's incredible!

    just found your blog via chantily's, and i adore it!=)


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