
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Primary State

Outfit Details: Top (Dress) Modcloth // Skirt: Vintage - Gift from Vintage & Gee // Scarf: Thrifted // Brooch: Antique Mall // Shoes: UO





Ello there,
It's Tuesday and apparently I am a week ahead of the game when it comes to dressing for Memorial Day next Monday....or so says my husband...hehe.  Oops.  Anyhow, in our neighborhood this trail that you see above - which is right up the street from my house - has finally been un-gated and opened up for more exploring - so if I weren't in heels and a skirt that is exactly what I would have done.  Methinks it might lead to the top of the mountain we live on, so I am so curious to find out.

These last couple of days have been uneventful and pretty much full of just lazing around & working on a couple of DIYs I have going on at the moment.  Spring always puts me DIY mode, ya know?  So hopefully by Thursday, one of them will make it onto here:)  Short and sweet is the name of the game today darlings as I must get up off this couch and go outside.  It's just way too pretty to stay in.

Until then!
Love bunches,


  1. I just love all of the detail each one of your outfits boasts. You never simply wear a skirt and a shirt. You have a top with a lovely collar detail, a skirt with a wonderful print and buttons down the front, hair done up in a beautiful scarf-it is perfection! I'm definitely planning on getting out and enjoying the weather today also, I only wish I lived next to as much loveliness as the countryside around you :)!

  2. You look so adorable! And that would make a good Memorial day outfit ;) I love the skirt especially. And that trail sounds fun...I can't wait to hear where it leads to! :)

  3. Marisa you look gorgeous as always ! Can't wait for your DIY posts !!! Have a fabby day ! XX

  4. Love this look! That tank is amazing. I'm glad you are enjoying the sunshine : )

  5. love this!!

    from, helen @

  6. beautiful outfit! Love it and the hair too!

  7. You look so cute and summery! Have you ever done a post on different head scarves and how to wear them? Because if you haven't, you should, you are the queen of cute head-adorments haha!
    Anyway, thanks for you kind words on my last post, I hate to be so grumpy on the blog, but sometimes its hard to be chipper even if you just need to write a paragraph to go along with some silly pictures!
    Also, I just signed up to hopefully sponsor you in May! It was slightly confusing though because I know you said the large ad space was full for June, so I would like to do it in July! I already paid (if I am approved etc), but it still said my ad would start May 22nd, so just wanted to let you know its for July! I should probably be doing this via email, but since I was already here...
    Let me know if that makes send and if I need to do anything more! Can't wait to work more with you!
    xo Hannah

  8. Have you seen a poster for Moonrise Kingdom? That's what the last photo looks like! Gorgeous!

  9. Love the new layout! And the length of that skirt is perfect.

  10. such a cute outfit - I love it - I love the skirt alot - and I say one day you put on your sneakers and find out just what's at the top of that trail :)

  11. so sweet as always, I luv the peter pan collar detail <3


  12. I've been in TOTAL DIY MOOD the past few days too! It's crazy! I love love love that dress (as a top)! The collar is so ridiculously cute! And I envy you for being able to pull of that scarf in the hair look! So effortless.

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  13. Erm ... Can you guess what I'm about to tell you??? Yes! I love your outfit, haha! And please, do explore that lovely path and show us what's on its end! ;)

    Thank you so much, Marisa, for your kind words and for having entered my giveaway!

    Love you lots!


  14. Oooh, and I had forgotten to say that I love the revamp you've done here! ;)

  15. what a nice neighborhood you had, marisa. i like to walk around in the afternoon if i had that ind of neighborhood too :) as always i love your outfit. i love your top and skirt. look so vintage :)

  16. Thanks for your comment, lovely! You look gorgeous, as always :)

  17. I can't believe you live in such a beautiful place! It should be criminal!

  18. Oooh lovely, I love the print of the dress. It's always so gorgeous where you live :) I'm excited to see the DIYS! xx

  19. I've been in a diy mood lately as well! If you've got any fun project ideas, I'd love to hear them! Also, this is such a perfect summer outfit. I want to dress just like this all summer! :)

  20. Hey Marisa! I love your cute blog! and you are gorgeous.haha Thanks so much for visiting! I'm your newest follower!

    xoxo, Emily

  21. great this skirt honey, i really love this look!!


  22. I just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! Your sense of style is so great! I especially love the bright yellow and pint floral dress you wore a couple of posts ago. Keep up the good work lady!

  23. Lovely photos Marisa! I love the combo of the red and blue too and the pattern on the skirt is just so cute. Your neighbourhood seriously sounds so amazing! Beaches, mountains, ahh so perfect for exploring! Have a lovely week/weekend!

  24. Aw you can't do this to me :) you know I love primary colors! Now all I want to do is to raid your closet and wear this exact outfit. So cute!!
    And I can't wait for the new DIYs!
    Life is a romantic poem

  25. oh you are wearing again my favourite colour combo red and blue and white ;) i adore the cute collar of your top and the yellow heels are so fabulous too!

  26. I love this color combo and that shirt is amazing!
    Also I'm so in love with the new look. So cute!!!

  27. I love your gorgeous style, and your blog Marisa, so I am following and adding you tomy blogroll.
    I am sure that we will become great blogger friends


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