
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Oneders


Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage - Antique Store//Hat: Handmade//Shoes: - Poetic License






Hello, hello!

So I can now safely say that I am cozily nested in my hotel room in the land of Pittsburgh.  How nice it is to finally be here and not cooped up in a car full of luggage and empty coffee cups...and spiders.  Yes a spider...which nearly drove my hubby off the road because apparently he is a little frightened by them.  This I will admit made me laugh, because bugs of any kind don't scare me in the least bit...such a Ron Weasley I have on my hands:)

As for Pittsburgh...oh Pittsburgh...anytime I think of thee all I hear in my head is Boss Vic Koss saying, "Vicksburgs in the Pittburgh, Vicksburgs in the Pittburgh".  Remember "That Thing You Do"?  Please tell me I am not the only one that far off in la la land to be thinking of that:)  ... But goodness do I love that movie!                                    

So now I must quickly run as my schedule is chock full while I am out here.   And if it seems totally silly that I am wearing a knit hat and was 47 degrees, so I am still quite bundled:)  Catch you when I return darlings!

Love bunches, 


  1. Look forward to seeing what you get up to - definitely on the same wavelength re: That Thing You Do - love, love, love that so much :-)

    Your hubby and I share the Ron Weasley spider-fear in common - they really DO have too many legs!

    Jem xXx

  2. Lovely hat! You always look so good in red.

    I have family in Pittsburgh, it's an interesting place. But I like it :)

  3. Marisa, glad to hear you got there safely! You're looking super cute in that dress. Love the pattern :)

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  4. Aww Marisa! You look so good in your hats! :) You wear them perfectly so your hair looks lush and full at the front! :) Love it! Haha, I'm not scared of spiders either and find it funny when big tough men are! haha! I also love that movie and haven't really seen it since it was out at the movies! Will need to add it to my list to re-watch! Have a lovely time! :) Safe trip home sweetheart! :) Zoë xxx

  5. Omg! That dress is adorable on you! Love this look!

  6. I bet it isn't 47 degrees today in Pittsburgh. I got so warm, oh funny PA weather.

    This dress is adorable by the way, and I love that you referred to your husband as Ron Weasley. I adore Harry Potter! <3


    1. Funny's back up at 74 (here in Pitt at least). How weird is that...47 to 74? Talk about a flip-flop! When it comes to weather, PA is so manic:)

  7. Have a lovely time in Pittsburg lovely girl!

    I'm catching up a bit on your blog and I have to say you never looked prettier my friend!

    Virginie xo

  8. You're always so busy!! thats good though! I absolutely adore you in red, this dress is gorgeous, and I love the pattern on it. Lovely combination!!
    And it's hilarious that your husband is that afraid of spiders, they are gross though

  9. What a beautiful dress! Glad you made it to your hotel and are out of the car! I think your hubby may be a little disgruntled when he sees you have called him a Ron Weasley! Haha thats adorable! Wishing you luck in all you have to do there!
    xo Hannah

    1. Thanks Hannah! Luckily he's a very good sport...and quite used to me teasing him like this:) (Though secretly I think he was quite flattered by the comparison to Ron Weasley...hehe)

  10. i want this dress!!! i LOVE the print! love it. and red is SO stunning on you. wow! that red beret is just great on you - i am a sucker for red berets though.

    AND I LOVE THAT THING YOU DO! that was my favorite movie as a kid and i saved liv tyler's line in that movie 'shame on me for kissing you with my eyes closed so tightly' for a good breakup.

    and have fun in piitsburgh!

  11. Beautiful dress as always. I hope you have a lovely time in Pittsburgh. I am not scared of spiders but I just don;t like them so I would probably have reacted exactly the same way ha ha xx

  12. Agreed. Red looks stunning on you. I'm not a fan of berets (because I haven't found one that looks nice on me!! =( )But I do love that dress!

    I hope you packed for mad winter in Pitts.

  13. The weather here is also still chilly so I feel ya on the cozying up! Love your hat & the colours :)

    Hahaha that spider story made me laugh - I've been stuck with some spiders in a tricky spot that no one wants to reach to - and I am too frightened myself. And then the other day I woke up with two spider bites on the inside of my leg. I FELT SO INCREDIBLY VIOLATED HAHAHA. A Spider'd been in my pants! EW. Needless to say those spiders are getting killed A freakin' SAP.


  14. What a beautiful print ! It's like poppies you had in the nature !!!

  15. Love that dress.


  16. You wear it well sweet lady, always super cute & I luv your smile bunches <3


  17. Love the outfit and your hat is so cute.

  18. As soon as I saw your post title, "That Thing You Do" was instantly stuck in my head! Classic!

  19. OMG, this is so perfect and cute...your hat, colors, dress <3

  20. I love your dress and that beret is perfect and I want to raid your closet.

  21. Hattitude Style Blog

    this dress rocks my sock marisa! it's so wonderful the patterns and red! i looove red. the hat just adds that extra umph! what are you doing down in pittsburgh?!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  22. I absolutely LOVE these photographs. The outfit is perfect, and the location is so beautiful.


  23. What a great dress and I love that you wore green shoes with all the red & blue- perfect. I have a couple pairs of Poetic License and I love them! I'm not afraid of bugs either unless they are really huge or cockroaches. Yuk. My husband is afraid of bees and it cracks me up :) Have a great trip!

  24. beautiful print, you really suit the colours!


    helen at

  25. Hahaha, I don't remember that particular part of the movie :p; although I really enjoyed it.

    Wow, you seem to travel A LOT; that must be so cool! When I lived in Buenos Aires, my job involved traveling to the countryside and spending a night at a hotel every week; I sooo loved that experience! Some people hate hotels, but I happen to love them; the same with planes. I mean, they must not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but flying fills me with happiness :). Anyway, I was wondering how you manage to travel with your little boy! How do you keep him entertained during trips? And does he have a problem sleeping in beds that are not his? I don't know why I'm asking, haha, I don't have kids yet or experience with kids. Well, I guess I got a little curious :p.

    Have an amazgin weekend! ;D


    1. Hi Miki!!

      Hope your weekend is going swell so far:) My little guy is quite a good traveler. When he was 1 month old, we hopped in the car and took a family vacation down to Florida. It was the middle of March, I was on maternity leave, and my family was down to escape the cold weather, we made the 1.5 day car trip. i swear this is what broke him in to being an awesome car rider. (Of course we were stopping quite frequently so I could nurse) but nonetheless..start them young!...haha:) Of course, now we keep plenty of healthy snacks and apple juice handy...and we have a DVD player (for use every so often) but most of the trip he just naps. As for the hotel...we always took the pack-n-play for him to sleep in which worked like a charm when he was younger. Now he just sleeps in the bed...and as long as he has a couple of his little choo choo trains with him...he's fine.

      Being two we definitely have our challenges with him as he has a super strong will (like me...hehe), but I can't complain, he really is an awesome little dude.

  26. What a gorgeous and bright dress!

    Sal x

  27. THat last photo just made my day! So pretty! As is your outfit-especially with that hat!!!!


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