
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ice Cream and Alley Ways

Alley Cat
Outfit Details: Dress & Tote: c/o Cute Vintage // Skirt & Shoes: Modcloth // Floral Crown: DIY 







Oh hello there,

I can't even believe another weekend as arrived time flies, but trust me, I am not complaining:)  As I mentioned before Al and I spent some time in Philly this past week with friends and visiting family.  This city just never gets old to me.  Really, it's just a home away from home.  Anyhow, now that spring has sprung and summer is peeking it's head around the corner to say a warm and friendly "hello", one of our favorite places to go is The Franklin Fountain.  It's the sweetest little old fashioned ice cream parlor - cash only, a vintage candy counter, homemade ice-cream, fudge and retro appliances... even workers dressed in authentic garb, this place couldn't get any more charming.  So there we went....again and again and probably all summer long because it's just that good.  I failed to snap a photo of my creamy creation because I hoovered the whole yummy thing before the thought ever crossed my mind:)

Also on the sweetness meter, I was ever so thrilled last week to have come home to the most darlingly wrapped package sent to me from lovely Rachel of Cute-Vintage.  Inside was the perfect little summer sundress complete with rainbow striped stitching and a smocked back...oh, and a tote!   What's not to love about that?  Anyhow, I wore it to tread through the city with this past weekend and I can tell it's one of those pieces that will be perched at the very front of my closet all summer long.  I layered it up here because it was slightly chilly and I'm perpetually cold and I was inspired by this apron skirted dress that I recently saw at my local antique shop, but I also look forward to keeping it simple with a big straw hat and pair of sandals.  Now pass me a fresh squeezed lemonade:)  Thanks Rachel, you are a doll!  Her store Cute-Vintage is full of other pretty treasures too, so pop on by if you are on the hunt for something sweet.

That's all for now darlings.  Enjoy that Saturday sunshine!
Love Bunches,


  1. love the flowers and the print on your skirt!! amazing colors!!
    giveaway on my blog:)

  2. Beautiful!
    That headband and all those colours...perfect!<3
    The icecream parlour does look quaint and charming:)

    Shubhi's Revels!

  3. So glad you were in town enjoying the city! Next time you'll have to stop by my new pad :D In Fairmont!!

    Also, you are so stunning. It must be that Italian blood running in ya : )

  4. I never thought of layering up a cute apron with a dress like that! You are so creative my dear! I love old, vintage shops. It would be my dream to open up a little vintage sweets shop someday-how fun! Looking lovely as always :)

  5. This is such a gorgeous look! These colours are all so perfect on you. That dress really is amazing and your floral crown is the perfct piece to top this look off! Sounds like a very lovely time in the city :)

  6. OMG! That must've been a lovely package! The tote is so cute. And I am envious of this ice cream parlour your speaking of. I just want to hop on down there to get some photos and ice cream!

  7. Gorgeous!!! You look so beautiful! :D

  8. Amazing colours, just gorgeous! Like a summer's watermelon colours! mmm-mmm! Yummy! :) xxx

  9. lovely post! :)


    helen @

  10. what a gorgeous place! you look lovely too x

  11. Oh, that dress is adorable! Definitely a summer staple :) Your crown is adorable too! I'm going to have to check out cute-vintage :)

  12. Layering the dress with the skirt is such a great look! & you rock the flower crown too, very cute!


  13. As usual, LOVE the colors and prints together. Especially with the orange flowers bringing out the apron print so well! That ice cream place looks and sounds amazing! Hope you are having the loveliest of weekends!
    xo Hannah

  14. Marisa, you look so sweet and adorable! I am totes checking out Cute Vintage-- it sounds like my kind of store! I love the little DIY floral headband you're sporting! I just made my first floral headbands last week and I can't wait to post them on the blog!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  15. Oh my goodness girl! This is such a totally adorable ensemble. I LOVE the skirt! Also we have an ice cream parlor like that about 25=35 minutes away from my town that we love to traditionally get ice cream and a brick of fudge from each year. I wish we had more places that were like this!

    Anyways, I hope all is well your way lovely! I've been meaning to write you a letter soon, so once everything gets settled around here I will surely get to writing it :)

  16. Hi, Marisa!
    It is very cute apron!
    Beautiful town!!! I want to go there!

    akiko in Tokyo

  17. you never fail to inspire me this outfit is so colourful and happy I just love it! going to check out Cute Vintage now!
    XX Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  18. These pictures are beautiful, as always. And I love that floral crown. I really need to make one, I have all of the stuff just haven't gotten around to it yet.

  19. Only you could pull off flowers on your head like a headband! love this outfit and all the colors,

  20. Oh, my! Oh, my! I have fallen in love with another piece of your wardrobe! But what else is new, right? :D Haha!

    I'd love to go to an old style ice cream parlor! I mean, as if the experience of indulging in ice cream weren't cool enough!? :P

    Hope you have an awesome week, Marisa! ;D

  21. I want to go there! ^^. Love your outfit. Stunning like always. XOXO

  22. You're such a natural charmer! I hope to meet you in the near future <3


  23. This outfit is so cute! Love it :) Ixx

  24. Love the flowers in your hair xx

    xo Jennifer

  25. This place sounds amazing! And I love you in green!

  26. Okay, now I want some ice cream! I love these layers and how it gives it the look of an apron over the dress, very cute! So I just bought a sponsor spot for next month- I'm excited to be a part of your lovely blog :)

  27. Awww I love this outfit, this color combo looks just loverly on you!!! And Cute Vintage is awesome :) Rachel totally let me guest post a few weeks ago! <3

  28. Your outfit is so cute! I love how you've layered the skirt over your dress. And the green colours are so pretty :)

  29. Thanks for comment dear! Really love your blog following on google and bloglovin :*


  30. These photos are just beautiful! I can't believe the colours! And the flowers in your hair were a great idea, it finishes the outfit perfectly :)


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