
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sweet Easter

Outfit Details: Dress: Vintage in shop//Hat: Vintage - Antique//Shoes: UO (old)









Why hello there darlings!

Seems my little blogging break went a little longer than planned, but I do hope you had a lovely Easter if you were celebrating.  After a long week of judging at a Fine Arts Festival, Al and I headed back to Philly then right back down to Camp Hill to visit with both of our families.  We were entirely pooped out from the week so during these last couple days, plenty of relaxing has been in order before returning back to the daily grind today.  

Easter is pretty traditional for in the morning followed by a big Easter dinner and this year my mom really outdid herself.  Though I'm not a big ham person...or even meat person really, her ham with roasted pineapples and raisin gravy was truly delicious and I can't even speak about the twice baked potatoes without getting a major hankering for them.  Anyhow, following our meal we headed over to the cemetery to visit my Oma (grandmother), & Opa (grandfather), and Nana (grandmother) who all past away last year.  It was bittersweet but nice to have those moments where we looked back and smiled at all the memories they gave us throughout the years.    They felt close and that's all that really mattered.  Off course the day concluded with an egg hunt and plenty of Cadburys for the soul.  

So there you have it, that was my Easter.   Hope your Sunday was just as sweet.  Now time to catch up with all of you as it's been way too long:)

Love Bunches, 


  1. oh how pretty you are with this cloche hat! i love that roaring 20´s vibe in your look! and what a wonderful easter you had with your family!!!
    big kiss,mary

  2. I love your hat too and the pretty dress :) Sounds like a gorgeous Easter, and the ham sounds amazing!! xx

  3. That outfit is really nice and I love cloches, this one is gorgeous! Ixx

  4. I adore each and every photo, your outfit is absolute perfection and you look stunning! I think the second from the bottom is my fave though, your family is adorable!!! Happy Easter! Xo Lori

  5. Your family are just so damn cute! xx

  6. Not everyone can rock a cloche hat but it looks brilliant on you and I love that collar!

    Jem xXx

  7. Keane's little curls are too sweet!

  8. Aww the family photo is soo adorable! And Keane looks so much like you two! Beautiful people. <3

  9. Aww very jealous of your lovely traditional Easter. I'm living abroad at the moment but this sounds a lot like my usual Easter fare :) I did receive a hot cross bun flavoured easter egg this year though so the amalgamation of chocolate and hot cross buns into a nugget of joy made for a very enjoyable easter :) Loving your outfit here...the dress and hat are so sweet!

  10. Love your outfit girlie! Especially those shoes!

    Glad to see that you had such an awesome Easter with the family! :)


  11. What a ridiculously handsome family! You look so beautiful and I am in love with your hat! Glad you had a nice Easter, and double glad you are back blogging! :)

  12. Sigh. Your little family is always so beautiful... I can't get over it! x

  13. sounds like you had such a lovely easter! and i can never get over how adorable your son is!

  14. Awww thats so good you got to spend so much quality time with your family!! It's really nice to be able to do that. I love this dress, it's so gorgeous especially that collar! And your hat is so amazing.
    Such great family photos :)

  15. Aw, such sweet photos of your family! Your son is so cute.

    I love your dress, your whole outfit looks like something from the 1920s!

  16. Oh, it sounds like you had a lovely (and yummy!) Easter Marisa! You and your family are so adorable. I love your dress! :)

  17. I love your dress! It is adorable! And your little guy is too cute for words.
    It is so sweet that you visited your grandparents at the cemetary. Is that your grandpa in the picture 3rd from the bottom? I hope he was okay :/ I know it is hard.
    Glad you had a great Easter!

    AnaCloud Vintage

    1. Thanks Ana! Yes, that is my grandfather. He's doing well...he keeps really busy as he is president of a company that he runs with my dad so luckily that keeps him occupied and family is always close by, though he misses my grandmother so much. He visited her at the cemetery 3 times that day before we took him over again. It was very sweet. Even during her last few years when she was in assisted living with dementia he stayed by her side, fed her, read to her and kept her company from early morning until she went to bed. He is such a wonderful, loving man to say the very least:)

  18. What an adorable outfit and what a cute little family! :D

    I'm sorry for all your losses, but at least you have lots of great memories to remember ;).

    Hope you're having a great week!


  19. Hattitude Style Blog

    marissa! that hat is such a dreamboat, as is your little guy! what a great curly mop of hair! easter ham is my favourite!

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Style Blog

  20. your family is soooo cute! pictures of you and your little one are always the sweetest. those polka dots are lovely, and you look so happy. glad you had a wonderful holiday :)

  21. That collar! Such a great dress and your entire outfit is darling. I really love those shoes too- they have such a vintage look. Sounds like a great holiday with your family, it's nice that you are all so close and were able to be together. And you have such a beautiful fam! I'm glad you enjoyed your break and took a little time to relax :)

  22. Wellcome back! I love your family pictures. Your little boy is such a cutie.
    Love your outfit. Love the hat. You wear it sooooooooo well. Iam glad you had a nice weekend with your family. :)

  23. Marisa, you're looking so pretty. The cloche hat is fabulous. Where did you find that? Is it vintage? Your little boy is so sweet and he has such nice curls. Remembered me of the time when my kids where small. We had so much fun when egg hunting. My husband had to hide the eggs really many years and now my two children are hiding the eggs for nephew and niece and all the four have a lot of fun in hiding and seeking. So the times are changing. Wish you and your family the best.

  24. Love your retro outfit! That hat is fantastic. Sounds like you had a lovely day. :)


  25. Such a cute family, love the little boy curly hair!!! Also, beautiful polka dot dress ;)

  26. Love your retro outfit! That hat is fantastic. Sounds like you had a lovely day. :)


  27. you look great in polka dots <3

  28. Hi there--I really enjoy your blog and style so I passed on the versatile blogger award to you!! :D Please visit my page for the details. Have a nice day. :)

  29. I love your Easter bonnet <3


  30. one word............spats!!!!! too cool for school lades. adore your ensemble of Easter delights and in fact the whole fams is looking top notch! looks and sounds like you had a completely fulfilling experience. the time you all took to honor those in your family that have passed on is really special. xo ♥

  31. Easter!
    I knew Easter is very beautiful on many bloger's post!
    Your Easter is so very very lovely!!!

    akiko in Tokyo


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