
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Come Again Another Day

Outfit Details: Dress: Modcloth (2010)//Floral Crown: DIY//Blouse: Vintage in Store//Brooch: Antiqued//Tights: We Love Colors//Shoes: Gift





Hi there darlings,
Hope your weekend was just as fantastic as mine.  Seems as of late my life has been all about cupcakes and cooking as there is not much to do when stuck inside all day when the rain is drizzling down nonstop.  It's hard to believe flurries filled the air again yesterday...sheesh mother nature!

Nonetheless, I still love where I live and as Earth Day was this past weekend, I was feeling so thankful to be surrounded by plenty of mountains, lakes, and fresh air.  Rain or not, I simply wouldn't have it any other way.

As for the cupcakes...on the menu today is Smore's cupcakes.  So here I sit and type, but really I am ready to take a nose dive into them.  I think I just might.

Hope your Tuesday is lovely and sweet!



  1. lovely lady you are looking gorgeous as always. The blouse is so so sweet, i love it!
    Im getting cabin fever a bit here in the uk, rain rain and more rain.
    Hope you're cupcakes are super yummy!
    Rachel x

  2. omg, we're red shoe twinsies! are they easy spirits? i have a pair like that that are my life. i love the color of those tights and the blouse. so pretty. have a wonderful day, despite the rain!! xoxo

    1. I'm not sure what they are....I think some random brand from Hong Kong...haha. They were actually part of the gift that Chictopia let me pick out for writing that article last month. They do remind me of Easy Spirits darn comfy!

  3. I bet you are totally perfecting the cupcake :D I've always wanted to hit up a cupcake shop in Philly. Maybe next time you come down!

    1. Definitely Chaucee! How much longer are you in Philly for before school ends? I've never been to a cupcake shop before, so I am so in:)

  4. I love your dress! You look so cute, keep on doing such good work :)

  5. love your tights. i've been wanting to get some american apparel leggings in that color. so perfect.

  6. I am straight up obsessed with those tights and that top.
    Also, are you maybe maybe maybe going to post how you made that amazing floral crown on the blog?! Pwease?! I've wanted to make one but I have no idea how to do it without it looking like a spastic art project! You rock either way lady friend!
    Xo Lori

  7. MINT TIGHTS?! Amazing, the perfect shade, and they look amazing with that dress and top under it. You look so adorable.
    Mmm smores cupcakes, I now have a craving that needs to be filled!

  8. oh, I just left a comment but don't know if that went through of not! Love your outfit anyway!

  9. This outfit is very adorable! I love the minty green tights the best. So cute!

    Thank you so much again for doing a guest post for me, I'm really excited to see it as I am sure it will be lovely!


  10. What an absolutely beautiful floral crown! Please, please do a tutorial on it! :D

  11. I need those tights! The color is gorgeous. :) I'm so into mint these days. And as always, your whole outfit makes me smile - a work of art! And you just got me in a serious mood for cupcakes...!

  12. You are actually the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I love the eclecticity of your outfits. And your sunny nature which is reflected in your photos and smile. I think I've lurked long enough and it's time to come out & say it. You inspire me greatly.

  13. that's a pretty shoes.. I love that shoes.. :) Irene Wibowo

  14. I've never tried S'mores cupcakes! They have to be good :p.

    And I LOVE rain! It's one of the things I miss the most about Buenos Aires ... Those long storms that would last for days, haha. It seems it might just sprinkle a little today :).

    And what a cool outfit! Love the flower crown ;). I've always wanted one, maybe this summer I'll make one.

    Happy midweek, sweet Marisa!

  15. I love the collar on that dress, so special! And the flower crown's such an ice touch ;)
    Sounds like a sweet life ;)


  16. Your red-hued shoes are amazing, what a great gift! I have been looking for a great pair of everyday oxfords but I am convinced as soon as I buy some from a regular store, I will come upon the perfect pair for a fraction of the price while thrifting! Also loving your floral crown, good luck with the S'mores cupcakes, sounds amazing as usual!

  17. Oh ! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous !!! I love the lace detail of your dress, the little flowers of the shirt and this amazing headband with flowers of different colors, it's like a rainbow on your head !

  18. Replies
    1. oh just adorable marisa! i love that lace detail on your striped dress, that´s supercute!! and the floral crown. i´m sure you have soon a lot of days of sunshine looking like a springprincess as here;)
      love and kiss,mary

  19. Love the outfit and also the mint details in it!! Ixx

  20. Have to try that cupcakes, you made me hungry now ;) Beautiful photos as always ! Have a wonderful week ! XX

  21. Oh you look so pretty, Marissa. I love your flower crown and your dress! Such lovely colors :)

  22. Your flower crown is magical and I would die for your cupcakes right now!

  23. yum! smores cupcakes sound delish! And you look so beautiful in these photos, Marisa! I love that flower pin :)

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  24. What a great look and I love your blog! I'm sticking around to find out more about this cupcake thing too....yummy! Following on GFC and bloglovin!

  25. Those shoes with those tights....eep! That is one of the prettiest combinations I've seen in a while! Love LOVE this look. Your headpiece is stunning, and I love the little flowers on your blouse. What a lovely pairing :)

  26. I love the colour of the tights.

  27. Just found this blog...
    Smore's cupcakes so SO good right now...

    P.S. Fun outfit!!


  28. You DO live in such a beautiful place! I'm going to be especially jealous this summer when it's super hot where I live :) I really regret not buying this dress from ModCloth- I remember thinking about it. You styled it so darling, I love the way you accessorized it & your red + mint colors! You are the queen of layers!

  29. aww glad Elana linked to this post, it's always so fun to see the diff stylings. you look lovely in this, great pairing w/ the button up & cute little boots!


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