
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chantilly Plaid

Outfit Details: Skirt & Bag: From Chantilly//Vest: taken from another dress//Hat: UO//Brooch: gift from sister//Shoes: Modcloth




Hello darlings!
Goodness, I think I have just been enjoying the sunshiny warm weather a little too much that the wee ol blog has been ever so slightly neglected.  I can just never get enough sunshine...yes this is my time of year!  So my weekend was filled with plenty of nature walking, thrifting, milkshake drinking, and cupcaking.  - Yes I realize that is not a real verb, but it should be, right?  On that note, my white chocolate banana cupcakes with honey cinnamon frosting turned out scrumptious-dilly-umptious, so sometime this week I will be posting that recipe here on my lil ol space.  Nom nom.  I would highly recommend them if you are a cupcake lover yourself.

Enough about me...  Over at Chantilly Songs today a party is going on to celebrate Chantilly's recent cd release, "Up to the Moon".  If you feel so inclined be sure to pop on over and check it out as both her blog and music are just as sweet as cherry pie (and will surely not disappoint).  I was also so thrilled to recently come home to this thank you package she sent me filled with her cd, a tote, and the most darling little plaid skirt she thrifted for me as a thanks for backing her album:)

That's all for now.  Hope you week is full of plenty of sunshine!
 Love Bunches!


  1. lovely pictures, and so are you! the skirt and the hat are really pretty:) oh, and the cupcakes sound delicious! x

  2. I love the colors that are in this plaid pattern. They are so pretty! You always seem to wear the best stuff. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. I'm so excited for Chantilly too- the EP is beautiful! She sent you some great stuff, I love the bag and that skirt is perfect for you. Turquoise tights are the best :) This time of year is my favorite too, I love spending time in the sunshine and soon in AZ it will be WAY to hot to be outside much. Can't wait for the recipe!

  4. YES!! i've been waiting to see this outfit ever since you left the comment that you received the package! i knew you would love that skirt, and it looks just perfect on you. i love the plaid, and i think the pieces you paired it with are perfect!

    rock on, sister. and thank you for the shoutout. xoxoxo!

  5. What a cute outfit. An these lightning colors ... love it.

  6. What an awesome skirt! ;) I love how you manage to match colors, patterns and textures! I'm such a disaster in that department :/. When I loved in Argentina, every time I dressed up to go out, my sister would stop me by the door and say something like, "Naaaah! You CAN'T leave like that! You mixed all the wrong patterns, colors, textures and styles!?" Hahaha :p. She studies fashion design, by the way.

    Hope you're having a great week! ;D And yes, I want to see your banana cupcakes, please, haha :p.

  7. Great outfit...I always love the splashes of colour in your outfits and these turquoise tights are amazing! Looking forward to that cupcake recipe :)

  8. White chocolate banana cupcakes - yummy!

    I love this outfit. I'm in love with candy and pastel coloured tights at the moment and yours are just gorgeous x

  9. You look lovely my dear, the bright colours are cheering me right up- it's set to rain all week here in London! And please do post that recipe, the cupcakes sound amazing! xx

  10. Love all your pro bright color mixings, as usual. What a great friend you have to send you such terrific thrift goodies!I am SO excited for your cupcake recipe! I am not very good in the kitchen, but those sounds delicious enough for me to actually go out my way and make an effort!

    1. oh marisa chocolate banana cinnamon honey that sounds cupcakelicious!!!! and i love that checked skirt and your fabulous hat! you look darling as always! and enjoy the sunshine for me too, here it seems spring is gone :(

  11. Those tights rock my socks! I need to get some new bold tights (I just snagged another pair yesterday! bah!!!) And as always, you look amazing, you are my bright color/pattern mixing herooooo! XO Lori

  12. I wore plaid the other day & I am a huge fan! Your skirt is so stunning! I love the gorgeous colour combination! :)

  13. White chocolate banana cupcakes?!? That sounds so delicious!!! Almost as delicious as this lovely outfit. I absolutely love your skirt and everything. Beautiful!

  14. Goodness gracious, those tights are the prettiest color!! You look adorable, for sure ;)

  15. i've totally used 'cake' as a verb before! as in, my mother taught me how to cake. (: my blog has been neglected, too, but not anymore now that i have my own camera! yayyy. haha sorry, i'm just excited. anyway, you look adorbs. <3

  16. Great photos you have such a unique style i love it!

    hey I just restarted my blog follow back?

  17. GEEZE! This is the cutest thing in the world. Love the pictures, location, hat, dress, tights everything!

  18. You look so very adorable here! I absolutely love the plaid skirt, the blue tights are so pretty here too. Tho those cupcakes sound absolutely amazing I could use some right now!!! Love this

  19. You are just all sorts of darling. Your flats are so cute!
    And goodness, those white chocolate banana cupcakes sound uh-mazing.
    Glad you had such a wonderful weekend! xx

  20. Marisa, your pictures are always so whimsical and pretty! I love those darling flats a lot :)
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  21. Spending sunny days out and about is definitely a good reason for less blogging. Who wants to be on the computer when it's so nice outside?
    This is a lovely ensemble-the tights are the most wonderful shade of blue! I'm swooning a bit over how well they match your pin :)

  22. I love your skirt :) You look amazing!

  23. Fantastic outfit, I love all the bright colours :)
    Looking forward to that cupcake recipe, it sounds amaaaazing!


  24. Thanks for your lovely comment ! I love the wonderful blue of your tights !!!

  25. Great colors.! :D
    Enter my ROMWE giveaway! ♥

  26. love this! and yes, cupcaking is, in fact, a verb. at least in my dictionary it is.

    found the route

  27. you look so cute and you have such an unique style:)

  28. one of my fave outfits ever! loving the colours and I checked out your friends blog she has an amazing voice!
    XX Ilana @ My Modern Vintage

  29. Such a great skirt!

    xoxo Mama Wolf.

  30. Oh yes, please do post the recipe for your cupcakes...chocolate and banana is the best combination ever!
    You look fantastic as always, and this skirt suits you perfectly (Chantilly's so sweet!). I also love the colour of your tights <3

    Life is a romantic poem

  31. D'aww, I <3 the colour palette of this outfit :) Well, I adore the colours of all your outfits but this one especially! Eeeep, and your bag is very sweet! xox

  32. Adorable as always! And those cupcakes sound DIVINE. Definitely post the recipe!!

  33. These are such fun colors!

    xo Jennifer

  34. I browsed through so many of your posts and your photos are soooo dreamy!

    Love this outfit, so cheerful!

    p.s. May I ask btw, how do you ensure that all the photos are aligned with the same width!


    Twenty York Street
    Follow me on Twitter: @20YS

    1. Hi ML!
      I use to host my photos. On there, you are able to edit and adjust the size of your photos through Aviary (it's a pop up editing tool located under the "actions" drop down menu on your photo.) From there you just click on resize. Whether vertical or horizontal, I make the width of all my photos 600. It would like uploading your photos directly to Blogger instead of fiddling with html codes, you can use any online editor like PicMonkey or even your computers own photo software like Iphoto to resize your photos and make them all the same width. Hope that helps:) xx Marisa

  35. You look amazing dear!
    Gorgeous blog!
    Following! Follow back? <3

  36. love your canvas bag :D it´s cute!


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