
Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Cadbury Clad
Outfit Details: Blouse, Skirt, Scarf, Brooch: Vintage//Cardi: Target//Tights: We Love Colors//Shoes: Modcloth

Cadbury Clad




Oh boy darlings has it ever been a crazy weekend and it's looking like a crazy week lies ahead.  I'm quite alright with that though.  The fam and I are heading off to Philly again this evening and then Albert and I will yet jet off again to a Fine Arts Festival for teenagers all across Pennsylvania and Delaware.  I will be judging the songwriting entries and I simply cannot wait as songwriting is so near and dear to my heart.  It's always so inspiring to see what these lovely guys and dolls who have entered come up with.  I judged it last year and was completely blown away.  At 16, I only wish they had something like this for me.  I would have eaten it up, just like a Cadbury Egg.  At that age, I was completely obsessed with Jewel and Tori Amos and I'm pretty sure everything I wrote sounded like much cheesier versions of their songs.  Haha....I'd like to think, I've come a long way and can hopefully give these students plenty of encouragement as well as constructive criticism.

Alright that's all for now.  Please forgive me if I am nowhere to be found this week.  I do hope to catch up with you all very soon.  Oh and the photos above were taken in my neighborhood.  Deer can be found in my front yard like this on a daily basis.  I just love it!

Love Bunches, 


  1. Hey Hey!

    Well I hope you have a lovely and eventful trip and I am sure it will be very inspiring for you!

    You look lovely!

  2. This outfit is absolutely adorable!


  3. Aww this sounds like an exciting trip!! A crazy week but the good kind of crazy:) I love how colorful this outfit is!!! You are so perfect for spring, this skirt is amazing and I love that blouse
    Have a good time!!

  4. I love your skirt! These colors are amazing! I still cannot get over where you live. You are so lucky.

    AnaCloud Vintage

  5. Always stunning!!!! Love your post ^^

  6. I like the outfit! Looks good on you! Ixx

  7. My dear, you conquer color so well! I love this look : ) Sounds like you have a GREAT evening / week ahead of you!

  8. Gah! What a Marisa outfit! You look braw as always!!! I love it! I hope you have a fun trip and you enjoy the contest! Judge lady! :) Oh, and deer like that in your garden on a regular basis!? How wonderful to see! :) Take care! Zoë xxx

  9. I luv the colors here, so bright & cheery (very lovely)<3


  10. ooh how exciting, being a judge! these photos are ever! the colours you have going on are just perfect, working so well together. Have a lovely time :) xx

  11. So many lovely colours going on in this outfit! You pull it off so well :) xox

  12. gorgeous outfit loving all the colours they go so well together dear! hope to catch up with you soon and good luck with your travels!
    XX Ilana

  13. These colors make me happy! Have a great time on your trip/ work it sounds like a great experience to have! I am sure you will plenty inspiring to the youngins!

  14. Fantastic outfit! The colours are amazing :)
    That song writing competition sounds like a really great event! So cool that you're participating


  15. I wish you all the luck judging! Hope it is lots of fun and I love that skirt of yours.

  16. you are the cutest little cadbury egg ever, Marisa! Have a lovely trip and have oodles of fun!
    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights
    the shop of worldly delights

  17. how beautiful you look, marisa :) you're judging a songwriting competition?? that's awesome!! have a wonderful time this week on your art adventures! it sounds like a dream. xoxo

  18. Oh wow, we really love your cute blog, and your style is just AMAZING!! You look adorable in that dress. Not to mention the color scheme is adorable. :)

    Follow your blog for sure!

    MLU the blog.

  19. I LOVE those colors! It's one of those combinations I would have never thought of, so I am impressed :)

  20. My oh my! I'm so glad to have stumbled upon your blog! You have one super AMAZING style!!! Love it love it love it! Def can't wait to read and see more of your style. ;) I really love your color play on this post. You look lovely!

    Hugs and kiss kiss,

  21. Hi Marissa, nice color combinations again in this post too. I did not forget about that idea what I wrote you about, I just had some busy/hard times lately and did not have the peace to think. But I will make up my mind soon and then I let you know about my idea. (if u would have forgotten it, it was about choosing one topic/color/book/poem and do some "association" creative work based on it. Hope you are doing well :)

  22. Love the color combo. Your scarf & shoes are lovely!

  23. OMG! You see deer on a daily basis? I want to live where you live, haha!

    I love the combination of colors you chose and your shoes look adorable!

    Best luck being a judge, it sounds like a lot of fun! ;D



  24. Woooow such an amzing outfit, you look so spring-like :)

    I love it.

    Ina :*

  25. the colors here are so awesome

    1. oh you look like a lovely little rainbow with all the colour happiness of your outfit! i really love it darling!

  26. I love your green skirt and your outfit :)

  27. What a fun experience! That skirt is a perfect vintage score and oh my, I realllly love those shoes. Love your bright colors :)

  28. I always love the vibrant colors of your outfits! This one is so Spring-ready. Green and purple is a lovely combination, especially paired with the muster cardigan. Beautiful!

  29. Sooo pretty and colorful! I wish I could compose such colorful outfits like you do. :) That contest sounds really cool. Have fun!

    North Country Girl

  30. you're a judge for songwriting contest? wow, that's awesome, marisa! :) you're so busy but always have a great look. i'm so busy too this week, and i messed up my look, hahaha :'D
    i really love your outfit here, especially the shoes. you look so fresh and pretty as always :) xx.

  31. Hey Marisa, I like the fancy colours of your outfit. They're so special. Was it a special light that makes them so different and extraordinary. I really love your cardigan. It's gorgeous, so are the shoes. Are the flowers clipped on, did you make them yourself, are they made from felt? Wish you much fun next week.

  32. Congratulations darling, this sounds like a wonderful experience :) judging the songwriting entries for that cool! Can't wait to hear more details.
    Said that, I must add that I love this outfit :) I never thought that yellow, green and purple could go so well together but looks like I was wrong! This colorful and energic combination is amazing.
    Life is a romantic poem

  33. sooo pretty!! i've been feeling un-inspired lately and coming here and seeing you has just bucked up my ideas again. your bright colours and fabulous outfits are always inspiring :D xx

  34. You make us see life in colors ! These shoes are lovely !!!

  35. This outfit is beautiful. I love all the colors and the shape. I hope you had a wonderful time in Philly for Easter! Back in high school when I had red long hair, everyone used to call me Tori Amos. I was totally stoked about it.


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