
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Everyday Simple

Pink and Wine

Pink & Wine
Outfit Details: Top (Dress): Topshop (old)//Shorts: Anthropologie (old)//Floral Crown: DIY//Necklace: Gift from Mother//Cape: Vintage from Grandmother//Shoes: Thrifted

Pink and Wine

Pink and wine


Pink & Wine

Hello darlings!
It's quite often that as the weather is warming up, all I really want to do is go outside and play.  This was just a simple little evening spent at home and after dinner was had, my little family and I went outside just to catch a bit of fresh air.  These photos were literally taken at the bottom of my driveway.  Nothing too exciting but very relaxing indeed.  Living in a small mountainside town is kind of like this.  As I wouldn't be so inclined to play around in foo foo dresses and heels, this is more me on a typical day when I'm not out and about.

This whole month I am on a shopping I have been remixing the life out of my closet.  A another big weekend is ahead - a rehearsal dinner, a wedding, and another trip back to my hometown.  I am busy as bee.  Hoping you have time to catch a bit of fresh air too:)  Any fun plans for you ahead?

Love bunches,


  1. my goodness... a vintage cape from your grandmother. how wonderful!

    i totally understand about re-mixing your current wardrobe. i've been having way too many "i have nothing to wear!" moments lately. sometimes, it just takes an extra moment of digging/ creativity to pull something together :)

    have a wonderful day, marisa!! x

  2. Gorgeous as always, your outfits brighten my day! I agree with a little one and outdoor play fancy frocks are often not practical, this is a great way to look fab and practical. Wishing you a lovely weekend!:D xx

  3. How pretty! This outfit is so darling, i love it!

  4. I LOVE you shorts! They are so adorable! And they are especially cute with those tights! Love the color combination! You live in such a beautiful area! I wish my driveway looked like that! You're so lucky!


  5. looks like you have a packed weekend ahead of you! Have an awesome weekend, and you look pretty as always, loving the shorts

  6. I always love the whimsicality in your ensembles! This is one beautiful look you put together-the colors are so perfect on you. I wish that was the view from my driveway! Wishing you happy times on all your adventures in the next few days :D

  7. Hattitude Artistic Style Blog

    i've had to remix the stuff out of my closet too! wasn't able to take much out to BC with me for when I moved! it's hard, but makes things more challenging and fun! although the shoe department is lacking.

    talk soon wild child
    Hattitude Artistic Style Blog

  8. Your little boy is too cute. He has great style-just like his Momma!

    found the route

  9. We should do a swap sometime! That always help to freshen up the wardrobe : ) Ps you look adorable! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Most definitely Chaucee! It would be so easy to do since we live relatively close as well. Next time I'm in the city we should try to meet up to do South Street and bring a few things to swap:)

  10. Oh my goodness, this outfit is one of my absolute favorites of your Marisa! All of the colors work so beautifully together. Teach me your remixing ways, please! Also, I wish this beautiful scenery was right at the edge of my driveway haha!

  11. My goodness don't you look gorgeous!! I love love love those shorts and burgundy tights on you! Especially with the frilly socks. I love that you're featuring the little man a lot more now! He's such a cutie pattootie :)!

    Hope you get some rest and plenty of fresh air away from your busy schedule! I love being busy and it's been kind of slow so far this month, but with moving coming soon.. I know it's about to become hectic!

  12. Marisa, I love that second photo! You look super darling and gorgeous in this outfit! The shorts and tights together look amazing:) Good luck on the shopping ban!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  13. Sounds like this is going to be a good weekend for you! You look so cute, I looove that shawl, and the pretty pink top. And those shorts are so cool, this is such a fun place to take pictures! I am glad the weather is warming up for you

  14. you look darling, love the cape from your grandmother and the necklace! x

  15. The necklace is sooo gorgeous, as is your little one! SOOOO CUTE!

    I love your DIY floral crown! I love making them myself.

    When your child goes to school, you'll be the koolest mummy in the playground :-)

  16. That cape is so gorgeous, you look beautiful :)

  17. I love how you make a simple everyday outfit so unique though with all the little details and the splashes of colour!! I'm also trying to implement a shopping ban...being a poor student should make it an easy feat but then they shouldn't really allow students to have credit cards :) Have a lovely weekend!

  18. Aw, you look so lovely. Your shirt and your shorts are SO pretty!

  19. This is at the bottom of your driveway?? you live in the middle of the woods it seems ;) lovely outfit and your accessories always make me jealous <3 xxx

  20. Your outfit is so adorable! I am especially liking your necklace.

    Awww, I'm assuming that is your little man; he is absolutely adorable. Such very cute mommy and son pictures. :)


  21. aw!!! i love your sweater and shorts - and again - your whole family is amazingly well dressed! your son's peacoat is just too cute. you look almost like a woodland fairy (which is a good thing) with your flowers.

  22. love your outfit! looks like a fun place to live if that is the end of your driveway!!
    have fun with all your planned activities...lucky you!
    I am your newest follower...pls follow back if you can.
    happy weekend!

  23. another wonderful mix of color ! I want to try all the color harmonies you make !!!

  24. how can i ever possibly convey to you just how adorable you are?! i might try with quippy comments to letcha know the completely unique variations on otherwise discarded vintage pieces or the dash of whimsy you bring to each and every item you assemble. then as a whole look together, well....outta this world is what! i think you'd be a dream for any rad theatre or film set who was in need of a clothing and it's like you've just stepped out of Lula magazine every time. i die!!!!!

    glad you got some warmer temps in your part of the world, i'm waiting on ours to arrive. still really chill and rainy. boo! last week brought some sun, here's hoping it returns again soon :) loved seeing your little walk down the driveway with Keane!! xo ♥

  25. I wish the end of my driveway looked like this! Though, we do have plenty of beautiful mountain spots here in Colorado, so I guess I shouldn't be whining too much! I love that your "casual" outfit is still so pretty! I LOVE the vintage cape from your grandmother, it looks so cozy and special!

    I just made a flower crown yesterday and can't wait to wear it! Its supposed to be in the high 60s this week and I am SO EXCITED for the warm weather, pretty flowers, and bright colors. Also- good luck with your shopping ban! I am on a (reduced) getting takeout ban myself, as I was doing it about 4 times a week, eeek! Have a great sunday :)

  26. Oh I seriouly am in love with these shorts! I love the colours you paired them with too, peach is one of my favourites lately :)

  27. You are really really adorable and I LOVE this outfit!

    Allie Ruth Morris


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